Due to the lack of coffee hours and physically getting together at the office, during the corona-year we did brainstormsessions!
Each week another student or other creative person, shared their knowledge with us. We talked about certain kinds of media and often brainstormed about what we could create ourselves. A little overview down below of the brainstormsessions that took place in '20-'21.
10/11/20: Brainstormsession with Aron Ludikhuijze about making your own films! Aron had just finished creating his own film 'Het Laatste Vuurwerk'. He gave us tips on netwerking and creating your own films!
17/11/20: Brainstormsession with Julius de Bruin about making music! Julius has helped with many of Studio M's music projects, such as Instafamous and Focus. He told us all about how he did that.
24/11/20: Brainstormsession with Sven Hoetjes about doing your own project! Sven has been project supervisor for his third year, so he has a lot of experience with projects.
8/12/20: Brainstormsession with Alwin Nijsen about games! Alwin has often participated in game jams, and during this brainstorm session the idea of doing our own game jam arised...
15/12/20: Brainstormsession with Jort, Anouk and Maaike about theatre! They are making their own play 'Typisch', so they can tell us everything about their process.
19/01/21: Brainstormsession with Max Carless about storytelling! He's doing everything that involves making great stories, from directing movies to writing books. He gave us all his tips & tricks, and even took some time to create some stories ourselves.
26/01/21: Brainstormsession with Noortje Bierhaus about audiovisual media! Noortje was the chairman of the first Studio M board, and has now gone off to study Audivisual Media at HKU. She told us all about her experiences and how she creates audiovisual media!
09/02/21: Brainstormsession with Emilio Stoppelenburg about cartoon drawing! This old board member, has a talent for cartoon drawing. He even won the Dutch championship for cartoon drawing back in 2016. He told us all about it!
23/02/21: Brainstormsession with Sophie Alink about social media and online image. Sophie Alink was the runner-up of Miss Nederland, during which she learned everything about using social media and creating your own online image.